How can you support a mom today? by Mrs Arizona Carolyn Larson
Included with permission from mothering mothers.
"Socially distanced" resources for pregnant or new moms.
What a time to be an expectant or new mom! Our hearts are with you!
More than ever, we are committed to connecting mamas. Please explore and SHARE these resources with expectant or new mamas in your life.
We're all in this together!
This "Mom's 4th Trimester 'Well-Check' Schedule" was collaboratively created with Dr. Leigh Lewis, N.D. of Arcadia Women's Wellness to answer the question: "What would a 4th trimester well woman care schedule look like?"
4th Trimester Web Resources
https://newmomhealth.com - Find resources for your transition through the postpartum period and into your new identity and life as a mother.
http://pattch.org - Find resources to cope with (or prevent) traumatic birth experiences.
https://www.steamychick.com - Explore vaginal steaming and learn more about the benefits of this healing practice in the postpartum time (or with your monthly cycle).
https://www.postpartum.net - Postpartum Support International: Find resources for perinatal mental health challenges.
4th Trimester Books
The Parental Leave Playbook - Dr. Amy Beacom and Sue Campbell
Postnatal Depletion Cure - Dr. Oscar Serrallach (He also does weekly informative FB Live videos)
The 4th Trimester - Kimberly Ann Johnson (Her podcast Magamama is incredible)
The First 40 Days by Heng Ou
Seven Sisters for Seven Days by Michelle Peterson
Real Food for Pregnancy by Lily Nichols
Real Food for Gestational Diabetes by Lily Nichols
Nurture: A Modern Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, Early Motherhood —and Trusting Yourself and Your Body by Erica Chidi Cohen
Build Your Nest: a postpartum planning workbook by Kestrel Gates